Monday, August 18, 2008

Two Quick Things

1) I was a runner-up in the Headline Contest over at Overheard in New York!

In the 70s They Called That a 'Nose Job'.

JAP: I did the whole Manhattan/Long Island/Westchester Jew thing this year.
Guy: How'd that work out?
JAP: I think I'm going to cut that phase in my life.


Overheard by: A. Pincus

Headline by: Still got my original nose.

· "By Which I Mean the Inside Of My Thigh" - Tadzio
· "I Realized I Can Keep the Sense Of Entitlement Without All That Extra Work." - stoobydoo
· "I Think Hitler Tried That Already...." - Sarah Booz
· "I'll Tell the Guy Who's Ghost-Writing My Autobiography Later Today" - Louis
· "JAP Code for I Was Slutty and Need an Abortion" - Casual Observer
· "Sort Of a "Lifestyle Bris"" - Chris

Click here to see the new Headline Contest

via Overheard in New York, Aug 18, 2008

2) My favorite neighborhood graffiti is gone.

R.I.P. Penis on wheels. ♦DiggIt!Add to del.icio.usAdd to Technorati Faves