A) Three times in the last week I have had a dream that I was knocked up.
B) This post probably jinxed me. I'm going to have kids who won't eat anything or have food allergies up the wazoo. I just know it.
C) Voting tomorrow! Oh man! It's going to be my first time. I was very much of legal age last time there was an election, but I was across the country at the time. No, I'm not irresponsible, I signed up for an absentee ballot; it just never came. I called the election board a week ahead of time and said, "Hey guys, still haven't received my ballot. What gives?" They told me it would be there in time and not to worry. The day before the election I called again and again I said, "Hey guys, still haven't received my ballot. What gives?" This time they basically told me I was shit out of luck. So I was denied my right to vote which was shitty and awful. So this year I am voting my ass off.
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15 years ago