You know that feeling you get when an old song comes on and you get a little nervous twinge in your stomach and you go, "Hey! I was _______ when this song came out."? Or perhaps "This song reminds me of being at _______ with _______ when we were ______."? You know that feeling? And how it can be really exciting? Well it has been hitting me like nobodies business in the last few days and it is no longer exciting, it is infuriating. I haven't been able to decide what to listen to on my iPod, so I've just had it on random and it's putting my stomach in knots.
::hit "Shuffle Songs"::
Hey! I'm in the 4th grade.
I'm living in Boston.
It's my second summer at camp!
I'm in the 8th grade and feeling AWKWARD.
I'm in Portland.
High school
::turns iPod OFF::
What I'm trying to say is that I need new music.
Please suggest some in the comments.
I am losing my freaking mind over here.
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15 years ago